STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

In addition to bilingualism, our school has a focus on STEM.

What does that mean in detail?

  • Our Secondary School has modern subject rooms for all natural science subjects.
  • The profile is characterized by an attractive range of subjects, as all three natural sciences (biology, chemistry and physics) are taught in English throughout the Lower Secondary level.
  • Starting in Year 9, the number of hours of instruction per week increases from four to six.
  • In addition, starting in Year 9, there are differentiation courses in which the advanced course goes far beyond the subject blocks of the actual science curriculum.
  • In addition, students who are particularly interested in science can participate in various extracurricular projects, such as Jugend forscht, in order to be encouraged as well as challenged in their interests and to expand their skills.
  • In addition to the science subjects in Lower Secondary School, our students take the one-hour subject Digital Education in Year 7 and 8, and from Year 9 onwards they can choose the two-hour elective subject Media Communication. Exchanges often take place on this scale via Office 365, as all our students have an MS Teams account, which they already receive from us in Year 4.
  • Mathematics as a main subject is taught weekly and continuously in Lower Secondary School with four lessons per week. Starting in Year 10, an additional two-hour math profile elective course provides an opportunity for all math fans to apply elements of math and prepare for upper-level math classes. In addition, there is a Math Club in which interested students can prepare, for example, for participation in the Kangaroo Math Competition and the Math Olympiad.
  • At the Upper Secondary Level, students can also take the basic computer science course, which teaches, among other things, the basics of program development, data protection and data security. 
  • Advanced courses can be taken in biology, chemistry and mathematics, which could also be offered in the future if there is increased demand for the subjects of computer science and physics.


Unterrichtsfächer Jgs. 7 Jgs. 8 Jgs. 9 Jgs. 10 Jgs. 11 Jgs. 12
Mathe 4 4 4 4 3GK/5LK 3GK/5LK
Biologie 2 2 2 2 3GK/5LK 3GK/5LK
Chemie 1 1 2 2 3GK/5LK 3GK/5LK
Physik 1 1 2 2 3GK/5LK 3GK/5LK
Digitale Bildung 1 1 - - - -
Mediale Kommunikation - - 2 2 - -
Informatik - - - - 3GK 3GK
Profilkurs Mathematik - - - 2 - -