Admissions Procedure
1. Online Registration
Parents register their child online and receive a confirmation email. Our Admissions Team calls the parents to discuss the next steps in the admission process. We might ask for further documents and former reports.
2. Admission Test and Interview
Each child needs to go through our admission process which differs depending on grade level. This process gives us a chance to get to know each student, learn more about their knowledge in the core subjects, and assess their language skills. After reviewing the last three report cards, we invite the child for an admission test in the core subjects (English, Mathematics, and German), and schedule an interview with our Head of Secondary School and/or organize trial days in the respective class.
The following formal criteria have to be met in order to be invited to trial days:
- Certificate of Recommendation for Secondary School (‘Gymnasialempfehlung’)
- Commendable grade point average
- Sequence of foreign languages: English and Spanish
- Completed MSA as well as passing of the 10th grade (when applying for grade 11)
In addition, we consider the following criteria:
- Siblings or a switch from another Phorms school
- Social and cultural diversity as well as a balanced ratio between girls and boys
- Time of registration at Phorms
3. Trial Days and Parent Interview
After passing the admission test, the student receives an invitation to one to three trial days. This gives the student a chance to get to know us and our teaching routines. Our teachers thereby learn more about the student’s social and academic competences. At the same time, a parent interview with the Head of Seconday School is scheduled. During this interview, the child’s school career and family background are discussed.
We offer an alternative admission procedure to families that live abroad and are unable to attend our trial days.
4. Place Offer
Once the admission process has been completed successfully and our teachers support the student’s admission, we will send out an offer of placement via email.
5. School Contract
If the parents accept the placement offer, we send out the school contract by post.