Monthly Fees for the Kindergarten
For our care-intensive bilingual concept in the kindergarten, we do not receive any additional state funding. Our concept includes, in particular, native English speaking educators and staff who work in the kindergarten groups in addition to the legally required educator-child ratio, advanced training for bilingual education and targeted activities and preparations for starting Primary School.
Since parents choose Phorms specifically because of the bilingual concept and particularly wish to support the increased staffing ratio, the "Förderverein der Phorms-Kindertagesstätten Berlin e.V." (Friends' Association for Phorms Berlin Nurseries) was founded in April 2021. The sole purpose of the association is to provide the necessary financial means for the special concept in our nurseries. The sponsoring members thus ensure the bilingual concept in our Berlin nurseries in the long term, joining is, however, voluntary for parents.
In order to ensure that as many children as possible have access to our educational programmes and that all parents have the opportunity to join the friends' association, membership contributions are income related. Interested parents can inform themselves about our individual monthly contribution with the Fee Calculator. Parents should enter their annual gross family income from the previous year (2019) as an assessment basis. The gross annual income includes the incomes of both legal guardians. It is not possible to set off income against “negative income” (such as loss on rental income or leases).
As proof of income we accept an income tax return – or if this document is not yet available – another suitable proof of income. If parents pay the maximum membership contribution, they do not have to submit any other documents.
Reference points for the membership contribution are:
Gross annual income | Monthly membership contribution |
<20,000 € | 135 € |
50,000 € | 212 € |
75,000 € | 246 € |
100,000 € | 275 € |
>130,000 € | 349 € (maximum membership contribution) |
The membership contribution is an annual amount which is split up into twelve installments to be paid monthly, starting August 1st, 2021.
Fee calculator
Please enter your annual gross income in thousands of Euro, without any separators or commas (i.e. 40000):
There is no admissions fee for Nursery and Reception. It will only be charged when a child transfers to the Primary School.
Siblings receive a reduced membership contribution. For the first-born child the full membership contribution is due. The second-born child receives a reduction of 25% and for the third-born child the membership contribution is reduced by 50%. For the fourth-born child and any further siblings we offer a reduction of 75%. Requirement for the granting of the discount is the simultaneous attendance of all relevant siblings at a Phorms facility in Berlin.
Our provider, Phorms Berlin gGmbH, receives financial support from the Berlin Senat (child care support). Therefore it is important that our parents apply for a Nursery Voucher (Kita-Gutschein) at their district office (Bezirksamt).
The Nursery Voucher is free of charge for all children who are registered in Berlin. The costs for the Nursery Voucher for Brandenburg residents differ from those in Berlin. The local district office in Brandenburg will calculate the fees and will be able to provide further information.
Due to this arrangement with the Senat, we are only allowed to accept children at our Nursery who are in possession of the Kita-Gutschein. The conditions to obtain a Kita-Gutschein are either that parents and children have their main place of residence in Berlin/Brandenburg, or parents have their main place of work in Berlin/Brandenburg.
Our Admissions Team can give parents more information on the application of the Kita-Gutschein. You can also download our “Information sheet on Nursery Vouchers (Kita-Gutschein)”.
Here you can register online for the Kita-Gutschein or download more information: Berlin.de
We offer healthy, all-day food including breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and drinks and therefore we charge an additional catering fee. The monthly fee is 70 Euros, which already includes the 23 Euros in the cost allocation from the Kita-Gutschein, as well as the additional Phorms lunch fee of 47 Euros. For children with a primary residence in Brandenburg the catering fee is 47 Euros. The charges for the lunch according to the Brandenburg cost allocation again differ from the 23 Euros. For exact details please contact your local Brandenburg district office.
The membership contributions to the Friends' Association may be deducted as operating costs up to a maximum amount of 4.800 Euros per child when determining the gross family income if the child lives in the household.
Day Care costs (and parent contributions to Nursery and Pre-School) may also be deductible. The child must live in the household. Two thirds of the child care expenses up to a maximum amount of 4.000 Euros per child may be deducted as operating costs when determining the gross family income.
Phorms and the Friends' Association cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of the above information. Parents should discuss all matters directly with their tax consultant.