Social Day Year 12

This year marked the occasion of another successful Social Day for Grade 12 students.  Accompanied by English Tutor, Mr. Reichstein, students visited and volunteered at the Childrens´ Oncology Wing of Charité Hospital at the Wedding Campus, donating toys and books to children who seek treatment there.  Students were met by staff members who gave them a tour of the facility and a presentation on the daily operations, providing a unique, valuable insight into what life is like for young cancer patients - children who often endure painful physical and mental side effects as a result of their condition.  Students also took away from the experience a strong sense of what it is like for relatives, family members and loved ones to cope with the undue stress associated with having their children endure cancer and the side unexpected challenges that fighting the disease brings. Most noteworthy was the fact that students were able to ask engaging questions about the nature of those affected by cancer and overall, gained a broader sense of empathy and compassion for those in need through giving back to those less fortunate. For the childrens’ part, they were grateful for the opportunity to receive toys from our students, as they provide a much needed distraction and comfort to them during a difficult, sometimes, traumatic stage of their young lives. In short, Phorms Süd hopes to continue its contact with Charité in the hope that future classes can contribute their time and energy for these children with the ultimate goal of warming their hearts and bringing a sometimes, much needed smile to their faces.