
Stiftung Kinder forschen

The Phorms Campus Berlin Süd has found an innovative and committed partner in "Stadtbienen". The campus has the courage and openness to explore new ways of learning. With the experience-oriented project "nursery and school bees", children and young people grasp natural sciences with all their senses. They see themselves as an effective part of the ecological cycle and discover their levers to protect the environment and biodiversity in the course of the programme. As multipliers, the teachers of the Phorms Campus go through an ecological beekeeping course. We are convinced that the project will enrich our campus life with a lot of curiosity, commitment and open-mindedness. In this way, our learners will benefit from the environmental education programme for years to come.

Action Klotz Kindersport

Cambridge Englisch


DSB2 - Digitales Schwarzes Brett

Kindy Kita App

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Longo - Raum für Tanz und Theater

Musikschule Kinderspiel von Sabine Kibbel.

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Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Berlin

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Zeuthener Segelverein e.V. Berlin-Wannsee