Art and English Poetry Project-Blog

‘’In the last weeks, Class 8 focused on a poetry and art project. They had to write 7 poems, and formulate it with a type of art and present this all in a booklet. The 7 poems that Year 8 wrote, were a ‘’Simile and Metaphor Poem’’, a ‘’Feeling Poem’’, an ‘’I Poem’’, a ‘’Blackout Poem’’, a ‘’Calligram’’, a ‘’Cinquain Poem’’ and a ‘’Narrative Poem’’. Each of these types of poems has its special technique, which was also used by the 8th graders. The students used their creativity and imagination to make the poems even better. After finishing the writing part in the English lessons (and at home), the 8th graders had time in art class to choose a special technique and formulate it with the poems, to make it much more creative and special. The techniques they used to make the booklets were photography, a collage, embroidery (sewing), acryl colours, water-colors, drawing with a pencil and another medium that you could choose. After weeks of lots of hard work, but also lots of fun, the 8th graders had their finished booklets ready with the poems and art techniques. To give the 8th graders a chance to show their booklets, they could volunteer to read a poem out loud in the school assembly. After some wonderful poems, the teachers played a slideshow, where some pages from the booklets on the screen. Finally, the 8th graders were finished the project. Although, it turns out that the 8th Graders were yet finished, since they then took a class photo and got a big praise from the teachers. Altogether, the 8th graders had lots of fun on this project, came up with very good poems and illustrations and pleased everyone.’’
(Text: A student from 8B)